Your blog articles are presented in two different ways or you have two options to display your articles.
Your blog articles are always presented on a subpage of your website, which can be reached by appending /_blog to your domain. This address is reserved for blog display and is created automatically when you create a page in the page management and link to the blog. If you do not create a page in your navigation for the blog and instead enable the automatic display of the navigation for the blog in the sidebar, this subpage will of course be accessible via this navigation.
Additionally, there is a special content element that allows you to display targeted articles of your blog on any page of your website. The following article is about this content element.
Above you can see a single blog article, displayed as a teaser with template number 4. If you hover your mouse over such a blog article, the toolbar for editing a content appears at the top. If this toolbar does not appear, you are on the automatically created page for the blog display, which is accessible under "/_blog" ,as described above. There are no content items on this page that you can edit.
The blog display content item has everything that any content has. You can delete it, copy it, move it and it has the options dialog where you can set the background and spacing and so information for the jump mark is stored. You see around the content a gray line (4). This is the whole content element. It is always as wide as the column it is in. If you set a background color under Options, the whole area will be filled. You see here, the content itself (3), so here the teaser, is not automatically as wide as the whole content itself. To jump to the blog module, just click on "Edit blog entry" (2).
To do this, click on Teaser/Preview (1). Then select "Single post" (2); the year (3) in which the article was published; the month (4) of publication and the corresponding article (5).
This way you can highlight specific articles.
The content element to display the blog navigation
If you move the mouse over such a navigation, you will only see a color scroll on the right. (1) With this you can now adjust the colors of the navigation. But you don't see a toolbar like in picture 2. That's because this navigation is fixed in the sidebar and not a content element. Now that the content elements are available you don't need this fixed navigation. In the design editor you can disable the display (Design - Edit - Elements tab - and there set the display of the blog navigation to off.
What you do with the color scroll, you will find on the page "Blognavigation". Also the settings for the navigation.