1. point - no more than 5 to 10 main pages
Therefore, you should not create more than 5 to 10 main navigation points. All other pages should be created as subpages. If each of your main pages has only 5 subpages and each of the subpages has 5 subpages, you can create 310 pages (10 main pages, 50 subpages and 250 pages on level 3).
Make sure that all navigation points of the main navigation fit into one row. The longer your page names and the more navigation points you have, the more space you need to display them. You can exert some influence over the font and font size of the navigation. But you should rather leave some "air" to make sure that the main navigation does not break. Our system makes sure that the navigation works correctly, even if the navigation points are displayed in two rows. However, it is better to leave only enough navigation points on the main level so that it can be displayed properly and does not break.
2nd point - meaningful page names
3rd point - Sensibly arranged subpages
Not every main page must have a subpage. Always create subpages from the point of view of your visitors. Ask yourself the question, how can I achieve that my visitors can access all content quickly and reliably without having to search for a long time. Sort the content of your site and name the subpages so that your visitors can quickly find their way around.
In the page management you can quickly and effectively rearrange and reorder pages at any time. Simply create all the pages you need and then sort them in the page management. Then write the content for the pages and when you check your page navigation and realize that something needs to be changed, you can always move and even rename existing pages in the page management.