In order to fill your website with content, you must first log in. When you order a new website, you directly set your password and are then immediately logged in.
As soon as you have logged out again, you will need your email and password when logging in again.
To open the login dialog you can use the following methods:
1. at the bottom of your website is a link to login. Just click on it and the login dialog will open.
2. you add "/admin.php" to the address of your page and click on "Return or Enter".
3. in the e-mail with the login data we sent you when you registered, there is a link that will take you directly to the login dialog.
4. go to our website and click on "Login" at the top. There you enter your access data and get to the internal area for customers. Now click on "Websites" and on "Edit website".
If you make a mistake when logging in, please wait 10 to 15 seconds. Until then, the login is blocked in case of incorrect data. This lock is necessary for security reasons. If you try to log in again within the lock time, an error will always be generated, even if your data is correct.