Click on the "Contents" icon on the left side of the main menu. The main menu will be replaced by a palette. There you have the possibility to select different content types.
Click on the "Texts" icon. A new palette will be visible and will allow you to select different content types of the Text type. There are the following types:
a) Headlines, in four different "weights" from H1 to H4. The preview shows the individual headings in the font size as defined in the design.
b) Body text. When creating, a new text section is created with some dummy text.
c) Table. With this you create a content element of type Table.
3. grab the content you want to create, for example a heading H1 with the mouse and then, holding down the mouse button, drag the element from the palette onto your page to the place where you want the new heading inserted.
Google rates headings by weight. You should have max. one H1 heading per page of your website and then format all other headings with H2 to H4. In the H1 heading you should use an important keyword if possible.
Body text can be edited in an editor or directly on the page. Font, font color and font size are stored in the design and should not be overwritten manually in the text editor.
Tables are only suitable to a limited extent for mobile display, for example on a cell phone.
Important: When you drag content onto your page, make sure that the placeholder appears in green. This shows you that you are in the content area. If the placeholder is blue, it means you are trying to drag content to the sidebar or footer.