Click on the "Blog" icon. A new palette will be visible and will now allow you to select content elements for the blog module. There are two different elements. One element to create a blog navigation and one element to display blog articles. For the navigation we have stored four preset elements as sample templates. Of course, you can create any other template from any sample template by simply changing the settings in the content element.
3. click on a navigation template and drag the element from the palette to your page, where you want to insert the blog navigation.
4.After that, you can still edit the navigation.
You can, of course, override the settings for the selected content at any time by editing the content with the appropriate dialog.
If you want your blog navigation to be accessible on every page, you should put the content element in a sidebar. If you want to display your blog on one page only, it may be useful to create two columns and put the blog navigation in one column and the element to display articles from the blog in the other column.
Important: When you drag content to your page, make sure that the placeholder is in green color. This tells you you are in the content area. If the placeholder is blue, it means you are trying to drag content to the sidebar or footer.