The structure defines how the individual areas can be arranged in relation to each other. You can change the structure at any time without losing content or changing your design settings. If you switch to a structure that has more options, additional areas will be displayed that may already contain content (background images, background colors, borders, etc.) depending on your choice of base design.
Unlike other web building kits, page4 allows you to change the entire structure of a design with one click, without having to change the design. In doing so, the arrangement of the individual areas is rearranged. To understand this, you need to know that each area is ultimately represented by a container (div). A parent container is used to hold all the other containers and the structural template takes care of a certain arrangement of these containers.
Structure template 1
With this structure, the headers and footers are always across the entire width of the web page and the content shares the width with the sidebars. If you turn off the sidebars, then the content is just as wide as the header and footer.
Structure template 2
In this structure, the header, content, and footer are enclosed by the two sidebars on the left and right. The total width of the web page is therefore determined by the sidebars and the width of the header and content. If you switch off both sidebars then the layout looks like in structure 1, as long as the sidebar is switched off there as well.
Structure template 3
This structure is identical to structure 1 with one difference. The headers, the horizontal navigation, the content and the footers are embedded in stripes that go across the entire browser width. These so-called outside stripes can also be designed, i.e. given a background image or background color. With such a stripe structure you can, for example, create a header that is extended over the entire width of the browser. To do this, you place the image for the header in the outside stripe of the header and leave the header area itself empty and turn off all options there, so that this area is completely invisible.
Structure template 4
This structure is like structure 3 except that we have hidden the sidebars there. If you want to use sidebars, just switch to structure 3.